Elon Musk has revealed to the world that he has plans to develop what he called TruthGPT.
To be honest, I really do wonder where this man keeps digging up the extra time to do all that he does.
He’s already got SpaceX, Tesla and Twitter to worry about, not to mention the various companies he’s invested in.
And yet, he still wants to make time to clean up the mess already being created by ChatGPT.
So, do we actually need such a thing as TruthGPT?
I’ll let you be the judge of that by putting a link to a previous video in the show notes. In that video, you’ll see just what a terrible start the AI movement is already off to.
I can assure you that we do need a form of AI that can – pardon the expression – think for itself.
Case in point: with Ramadan set to end in a few hours, I got a little curious as to what cancer levels are like in the global Muslim population given that Ramadan calls for fasting.
So I chose to run a query through ChatGPT: “Tell me about cancer rates among the world’s muslim population.”
The bot was quick to point out that cancer is highly agnostics and doesn’t choose favorites based on religion.
Well, no shit.
Right off the bat, our research, if you could actually call it that, is skewed by a disclaimer indicating that perhaps we shouldn’t be looking into this from a religious perspective.
While there were a couple of tidbits of useful information, it felt like more information was spent telling me that I shouldn’t be singling out one particular religion.
Does Christianity call for its followers to fast for an entire month each year? No. So we have ourselves a case.
And this is why we just might just have to rely on Elon Musk once again to develop a product such as TruthGPT to make sure that those seeking information won’t get filtered results that provide inaccurate or useless data in the name of being woke.
Sure Elon would be starting late in the game if he were to go through with this, but if the improved quality of Twitter’s usership after he took over is indicative of anything, it’s that new users would be ready to work through the glitches and growing pains.
The baby boomers had the fertile conditions of a post world war two economy – something we’re unlikely to see any time in the near future.
When it comes to AI, we’re on the cusp of a generation defining event – it might just be the closest we get to those fertile economic conditions experienced by boomers.
In order for that to come to pass, however, we need to get the human element out of AI so that it can flourish along with the humans who harness its capabilities.
As always, if you have any cool creations that were produced with the use of AI, be sure to send it our way.